i e round hamburg or paris to perform a search request - let me say in the concentric area of 50 km round hamburg or - let me say paris....
ia this doable with Osmconvert and filter? look forward to hear from you |
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i e round hamburg or paris to perform a search request - let me say in the concentric area of 50 km round hamburg or - let me say paris....
ia this doable with Osmconvert and filter? look forward to hear from you |
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question asked: 23 Apr '14, 22:29
question was seen: 3,460 times
last updated: 23 Apr '14, 22:47
NOTICE: help.openstreetmap.org is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum
Osmconvert supports polygons as boundary. Maybe you could use them.
BTW: you've posted the exact same question on the German forum just a few minutes ago. For the future please decide which channel you want to use for your questions. Crossposting is not really nice.