i e round hamburg or paris to perform a search request - let me say in the concentric area of 50 km round hamburg or - let me say paris....
/tmp$ osmconvert oberbayern-latest.osm.pbf --all-to-nodes -o=blablubbla_2.o5m
/tmp$ osmfilter blablubbla_2.o5m --keep="amenity=restaurant" -o=my_gooddata_.o5m
/tmp$ osmconvert my_gooddata_.o5m --csv="@id @lon @lat shop name addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city website email" --csv-headline | more
@id @lon @lat shop name addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city website email
29950894 11.7415509 48.3978074 Parkcafe Am Wörth 23 Freising http://www.parkcafe-freising.de
32559987 11.7841034 47.8785126 Waldrestaurant Maxlmühle Maxlmühle 2 Valley http://www.maxlmuehle.de/
33047448 11.1863664 47.9072486 Hirschberg-Alm
34034075 11.6704030 48.1169551 Zum Goldenen Stern Gartenstadtstraße 6 München
34072038 11.6707224 48.1093154 Franziskaner Garten Friedenspromenade 45 München http://www.franziskanergarten.de/[/code]
ia this doable with Osmconvert and filter?
look forward to hear from you
23 Apr '14, 22:29
accept rate:
Osmconvert supports polygons as boundary. Maybe you could use them.
BTW: you've posted the exact same question on the German forum just a few minutes ago. For the future please decide which channel you want to use for your questions. Crossposting is not really nice.