Hi I am in doubt, a stream flows below a man_made= (railway) embankment through a tunnel, an eco_passage. Should every way or building on top of the embankment be tagged layer=1, there several ways and a wall=noise_barrier with 2 terraces / bridges ? The stream is tagged tunnel=building_passage to pass the embankment.
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Why changing every element above the stream instead of just adding layer=-1 to the stream? Additionally I'm not sure if tunnel=building_passage is valid for waterways.
Could always just use tunnel=yes. Depending on the size of the tunnel, might want to consider tunnel=culvert.
Since embankment is heigher over the usual level I doubted. The tunnel=building_passage makes sence with a building, a civil element as bridge, tunnel or whatever theyre called are buildings. Made out of masonry, concrete or steel. Most of the time they even have a room inside, for maintanance and storage. These civil works are drawn by using the original drawings to get the right size and details. A plastic or metal tube gets tunnel=culvert, layer=-1, yes
I'm not able to follow you.
@Hendrikklaas: Can you post a link to the location you're talking about? We might be able to give better advice if we can see exactly what you're wanting to tag.
Hi, take a look here, the tiles dont look right http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/52.3296/6.6838
if the tiles don't "look right", that's probably a rendering issue and you can file a bug regarding the mapnik rendering. the point is to tag the data accurately, and I don't see how building=bridge or building=wall make sense in this situation. can you link to a photo of this location or something similar?
I only see one instance of ways crossing, and that's the stream running beneath the railway lines. You've tagged the stream as layer=-1, so there really isn't any need to tag the other objects with the layer tag at all (ie. leave them as implied layer=0).
Also, if you've tagged the stream as running through a tunnel, there's no need to have a bridge mapped at all. It's either a stream running through a tunnel, or the railway lines crossing a bridge above the stream. It needn't (can't?) be both. You've also tagged some objects as building=terrace, but this seems very unlikely at that location.
There are other problems nearby, too. For example, the stream that runs beneath the railway isn't connected to the one to the northeast tagged as "stream=date 2015", which is an odd tag.