i wanted to run a osmconvert & filter with the following goal - to get the following tags out of the datas:
addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city
so i decided to do the following command
./osmconvert hamburg-latest.osm.pbf --all-to-nodes -o=hamburgrestaurants_2.o5m
./osmfilter hamburgrestaurants_2.o5m --keep="amenity=restaurant" -o=restaurant_2.o5m
./osmconvert restaurant_2.o5m --csv="@id @lon @lat shop name addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city website email" --csv-headline -o=restaurant_2.csv
but i failed - there were no streets no housenumbers and cities. Now i decidet to use overpass-API which seems to be less complicated. Can someone advice me here to go the first step.
how to apply the correct adress tags for getting
- adress like
- street , housnomber and .... eg. mailadress and website....
what i want to get is this following result:
/tmp$ osmconvert my_gooddata_.o5m --csv="@id @lon @lat shop name addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city website email" --csv-headline | more
@id @lon @lat shop name addr:street addr:housenumber addr:city website email
29950894 11.7415509 48.3978074 Parkcafe Am Wörth 23 Freising http://www.parkcafe-freising.de
32559987 11.7841034 47.8785126 Waldrestaurant Maxlmühle Maxlmühle 2 Valley http://www.maxlmuehle.de/
33047448 11.1863664 47.9072486 Hirschberg-Alm
34034075 11.6704030 48.1169551 Zum Goldenen Stern Gartenstadtstraße 6 München
34072038 11.6707224 48.1093154 Franziskaner Garten Friedenspromenade 45 München http://www.franziskanergarten.de/
hmm i guess that i have made something wrong in the applcation of the tags!? What !?
23 Apr '14, 09:00
accept rate:
When you failed did you perhaps not see this answer to your previous question that said "
Issue: there's an extra space between "name" and "addr:street" in your osmconvert csv string
".thx alot - guess that you hit the point - btw. see the update above, i will try out your solution - thx alaot