I was mapping along the Louisiana coastline, southeast of New Orleans where there are numerous islands that appear to only consist of wetlands. One example (only visible in the DG/mapbox satellite imagery) is at 29.95904,-89.19751. In the example, there were two existing overlapping ways, one with natural=coastline, one with natural=wetland. Is this correct? How should one tags these to represent they are wetlands surrounded by coastline? |
Hi it looks like this area, http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/52.48836/4.78798 the area is a polder, not a river, with typical low land, sometimes wet or dry. Meadows integrated into a nature reserve. Ad natural=wetland to an island and it is marked as wetland. If it’s less wet you could ad landuse=meadow as well. But that’s using 2 tags for the same area ! The natural=water tag for the river makes clear that it is an island. Connected all together as a multipolygone. |