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I have recently mapped a new road Edison Bell Way Huntingdon I think I have the turn restrictions correct ( they are no right when heading west on Brampton road into Edison Bell Way, and No right turn from Edison Bell Way to Ermine Street to go East. Routing with goes wrong. Is it that OSRM needs a while for my updates to feed through? I looked for info on the date of their data but couldn't see it. link to way

asked 17 Apr '14, 23:08

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 05 May '14, 07:30

I don't know how often OSRM synchronizes their copy of the OSM data with the master at OSM nor how long it takes after that for them to generate their routing database, but I do know it takes some time. Seems to me that my changes that affected routing took a day or two to show up in OSRM.

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answered 18 Apr '14, 00:36

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Yep. And it seems like Andy's changes are already recognized.

(18 Apr '14, 09:26) scai ♦

It tends to take about two days for changes to reflect in josm.

(19 Apr '14, 12:12) trigpoint

I edit in potlatch2 but I did have a look at it in josm and one "one way" was reversed in JOSM, buts it is ok now.

(19 Apr '14, 17:06) andy mackey

You can always find out about the current OSRM data timestamp by clicking on the 'settings' icon in the lower right corner (icon looks like a steering wheel). At this time it would show "data: 140419 04:00Z", which corresponds to April 19th, 2014 04:00 UTC.

(21 Apr '14, 08:46) mmd

I recently discovered that iD as an excellent method of displaying and mapping turn restrictions

(17 Sep '15, 21:03) andy mackey

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question asked: 17 Apr '14, 23:08

question was seen: 9,698 times

last updated: 17 Sep '15, 21:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum