Hi, I use Maperitive. It works like a charm. I just have a problem when I generate tiles. Most of them are well draw (mapQuest map + my rules inormations and contour relief) but those which finish the perimeter of my selected zone are incomplete (only a piece of them are filled). Is there a way to ignore these tiles or correct Maperitive to fill completely the tiles which compose the perimeter of a selected zone ? Regards |
Hi everybody, Finally someone give me the solution. If anyone has the same problem : it exists a parameter named "exclude-partial" which makes the job. So I think that this discussion can be closed. Regards |
Unluckily it is not clear what you are refering to, could you either explain what you are trying to do in more detail and/or ask in your mother tongue?
Hi SimonPoole,
Thank you for your replay. I tried to explain better my wish.
Here is a tile example : This is only one of the 500 tiles generated. Only those which make the permiter are like that, the others are good. I think it's because a latitude, longitude which delimite my selected zone falls in the middle of this tile.