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Hi, I have created a map on google map engine concerning organic wines. I'd like to share it on open street map. Is it possible?

Thank you in advance for explaining me how I can manage it.


asked 17 Apr '14, 00:09

Pepit's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It really depends on if the objects you have mapped are appropriate for inclusion in OSM or not, for example a vineyard or a shop would be clear candidates ( for example). It would be a good idea to search through some of the relevant mailing lists to see if there has been discussion of more advanced tagging or tagging that can be adapted (for example to indicate that it is organic produce).

If it is simply information that you want to show "on top" of a map you should either roll your own slippy map with the information as an overlay or you can use a service like

Technical note: I don't believe that any of the current editors directly allow the loading of KML files, however you can convert to GPX and load that, see

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answered 17 Apr '14, 09:14

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 17 Apr '14, 09:22

I think that you can import a kml file into JOSM when you use the OpenData plugin. According the the website of the plugin, it can deal with simple kml files. See If your file does not open, you can file a bugreport for the plugin (see link)

(17 Apr '14, 14:14) escada

In addition to Simon's points, another matter that would have to be considered is your use of Google.

When you made your map, did you use Google imagery to place the markers in the right locations?

If you did, that information cannot be added to OpenStreetMap because the licenses aren't compatible.

However, if you collected the coordinates for the locations in person with a GPS and just used the Google tools to make a KML, then it should be okay to add your data to OSM.

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answered 17 Apr '14, 18:11

alester's gravatar image

accept rate: 28%

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question asked: 17 Apr '14, 00:09

question was seen: 16,981 times

last updated: 17 Apr '14, 18:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum