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How do you tag an ATM which is not situated on the surface but on an underground level of a metro station?

Where do you put the tag? Do you guess the (underground) location? Or do you put it near / or on the tag of the metro entrance or of the metro station?

asked 14 Apr '14, 19:01

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

I guess I would try to estimate the position of the ATM as best I could, then add a "level=-1" tag to it (in addition to the other relevant tags).

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answered 14 Apr '14, 22:09

Jack%20the%20Ripper's gravatar image

Jack the Ripper
accept rate: 12%

edited 17 Apr '14, 19:54

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


layer=* is for determining the relative vertical positions of crossing ways. I think a better tag would be level=-1.

(14 Apr '14, 23:46) alester

I think that's what I meant scratches head Thanks for the correction.

(15 Apr '14, 16:01) Jack the Ripper

the multiple links I added to this answer may help you.

I began to map inside a metro station though I'm yet to complete the links can help you see what you can do. In this the ATM is given as if it was inside a building and even if you can't be too cirtain on the precise place the corridoor/room/area'ed-highways all help you give a logical postion for some one to navigate to. Infuture someone may move it to a more exact place for you.

permanent link

answered 01 Mar '16, 19:14

Govanus's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

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question asked: 14 Apr '14, 19:01

question was seen: 6,530 times

last updated: 01 Mar '16, 19:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum