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I have a working Nominatim install.

Now i want to add in the nominatim database a custom tag column like for example an admin 20 level attribute, and i want to have it in my Nominatim requests.

If i simply add it in the nominatim database, how can can I retrieve it with Nominatim. So i just need to geocode as usual, but get also that attribute, which is stored for every way.

Does this is feasible? Thank you advance!

asked 14 Apr '14, 10:12

mihai%20niculita's gravatar image

mihai niculita
accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Apr '14, 10:30

Usually, returning additional data is just a question of modifying the template snippet for the selected output format in lib/templates. This of course requires that the data is actually stored with the object.

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answered 16 Apr '14, 21:44

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

So, if I put the data in the placex table, I can modify the lib/templates and request those column in the query?

(17 Apr '14, 08:43) mihai niculita

Did you ever confirm this to work mihai?

I'm trying to do something similar myself, I'd like to create a custom key:value pair and be able to query the location using Nominatim

(15 Sep '14, 18:22) olearytd12

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question asked: 14 Apr '14, 10:12

question was seen: 6,101 times

last updated: 15 Sep '14, 18:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum