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Hi guys ! There is this GPS from Garmin, called the "Touring Plus", it's a new product from Garmin and it features Openstreetmap; the main feature of the device is that it can calculate for you all the routes in your area, so lets say that today I'm in a bit of a rush and I only want to do 15 miles, I'll insert that data into the garmin gps and in about a couple of seconds I'll get all the possible routes, that are suited for a road bike (so no off road), that the total length is approx 15 miles, that start from where I'm standing and end where I'm standing. I can then select the route I prefer on the basis of the total length, the elevation, and the roads. I was wondering if there is an android app, based on Openstreetmap, that works like the Garmin Touring Plus.

asked 13 Apr '14, 19:39

andreavda's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't have an answer for you other than to suggest that you look at the list here:

permanent link

answered 15 Apr '14, 19:57

Jack%20the%20Ripper's gravatar image

Jack the Ripper
accept rate: 12%

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question asked: 13 Apr '14, 19:39

question was seen: 2,593 times

last updated: 15 Apr '14, 19:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum