I'm trying to print maps to paste in the bus stops near my home, showing the routes of the buses stopping in those bus stops. Thus for each bus stop, I need to produce a map that shows several relations at the same time. I'd like to, for example, combine these two relations: http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/370218#map=12/-34.6158/-58.4141 http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/370221#map=12/-34.6158/-58.4141 and possibly others, into a single map. I tried searching for "osm combine relations", "osm combine maps", "osm merge relations", etc, but couldn't find a way yet. The closest thing I found to an answer is https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/2014/, but I'm not sure how to adapt it to my particular case. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! |
Are ready-made public transport maps like öpnvkarte.de an option? If not, you can create an Overpass query that loads and displays these relations, or if you're unhappy with how they're displayed, export then through Overpass and load them into an OpenLayers or Leaflet map yourself (then you can control the styling). |