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(from question 3394 "add nodes to map")

Adding the nodes to a map is not a problem. My problem is that the wells do not appear in Basecamp nor in the Garmin GPS after downloading the OSM Map and uploading to Basecamp/Garmin device.

asked 09 Apr '14, 08:17

Mike%20Giambra's gravatar image

Mike Giambra
accept rate: 0%

converted to question 09 Apr '14, 13:37

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Where did you download your map? Can you see wells in other maps?

(09 Apr '14, 14:23) scai ♦

Garmin maps, like rendered web maps, do not display every feature that exist in the data. Also, note that gramin maps available for download may not have the most up to date data. Some may be a day old, some much longer. Check where you downloaded the map.

AFAICS, the default mkgmap style does not render man_made=petroleum_well, so unless you downloaded a specialised garmin map, it's unlikely that they include wells. Where did you download the map ? You could try asking the garmin map author to add wells.

Or you could create the garmin map yourself. Once you managed to create a standard map, edit the default style to add wells. I haven't tested it, but adding this line to the examples/styles/default/points file should work:

man_made=petroleum_well [0x6416 resolution 22]

See the general mkgmap style documentation and the list of POI types for details.

permanent link

answered 09 Apr '14, 14:54

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

If the wells are not rendered by the Garmin map maker, you can do two things:

1) Submit a request to render those features

2) Use and make a gpx file to use it in your Garmin

permanent link

answered 09 Apr '14, 14:29

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

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question asked: 09 Apr '14, 08:17

question was seen: 3,806 times

last updated: 09 Apr '14, 14:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum