Are the maps I create only available to myself or people I designate ? I am familiar with google maps but not this service. Google maps consistently eliminates map off their site. Does this happen here as well ? asked 08 Apr '14, 14:18 POTENTIAL DE... Vincent de P... ♦ |
found a new one: have a look at and read its help text. You can draw geometries, display markers according to coordinate tables, overlay GPX or KML data, and finally share your map even privately. answered 07 Jun '14, 09:45 stephan75 |
OSM is not a service to create personal maps. See the likes of umap and mapbbshare (which are osm-based) for that. OSM is a project to gather the actual map data. Displaying rendered maps on is in a sense just a nice bonus. We all work on the same map. If you contribute a map changeset or a note, it is shared with everybody. answered 08 Apr '14, 15:20 Vincent de P... ♦ |