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Hi, the is a mistake in a route. How can I correct it? heibaa

asked 06 Apr '14, 16:08

heibaa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Apr '14, 14:17

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦


Do you mean "a route" as in a route calculated by some routing software, or "a route" such as long distance hiking or cycling path?

Could you provide a few more details?

(06 Apr '14, 16:23) SomeoneElse ♦

We offer a "notes" feature that allows you to post hints directly on the map itself:
But as usually the notes refer to the default map style, you should explain, that your hint is aboout the opencyclemap.

(07 Apr '14, 09:19) iii

Where and what kind of mistake?

(10 Apr '14, 09:57) Bulwersator

There is a marked track in the woods. On the map there is a gap and wrong routing on "Rimbach R1"

(10 Apr '14, 15:08) heibaa

If you could link to the area, that would really be helpful. You can copy the URL from your address bar, or open the share menu on the right side and choose the link option there.

(11 Apr '14, 15:03) neuhausr

He seems to be talking about this area. There are indeed bicycle routes with several gaps.

(11 Apr '14, 21:27) scai ♦
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Hi heibaa, I have done similar things in The Netherlands. I have a Garmin navigation device and a Gps-logger on my bike. Below is what I would have done :

I found Rimbach(R1) here :

On the top menue there is drop down box. Click it's small arrow and choose "GPX Track". Click Ok next to "GPX Track" and download the track.

1) If there is no copy right on Rimbach(R1) then open both the area and the .gpx track in Josm and use the .gpx track to edit the OpenStreetMap

2) If there is a copy right issue than open the Rimbach(R1) .gpx track in BaseCamp and use the track to plan a route. Copy the route to your Garmin. Mount your bicycle, take your Garmin with the proposed route and a good Gps-logger with you. While on your way look for the Rimbach(R1) signs/directions on the road. Make notes with the time of your Gps-logger so you can find them back on the map. You now have the official Rimbach(R1) .gpx track because you followed the route directions on the road. Which don't have a copy right. Continue at 1)

Gys de Jongh

permanent link

answered 10 May '14, 09:16

Gys%20de%20Jongh's gravatar image

Gys de Jongh
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 06 Apr '14, 16:08

question was seen: 3,137 times

last updated: 10 May '14, 09:16

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum