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I have tried to geocode address in Japan using Nominatim, but it does not work. It only work for major city and ward. Threr is a detailed data that government provide. So could someone that is developping Nominatim apply that data for Nominatim?

asked 03 Apr '14, 10:04

Akiko999's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 03 Apr '14, 17:03

neuhausr's gravatar image


If you're trying to get that capability added to the OSM/Mapquest Nominatim search, I would enter a detailed ticket--including a link to the data source--into Trac and/or github, and see what response you get.

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answered 03 Apr '14, 17:01

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Thank you, neuhausr. I really appreciate. I placed sample data to my server (35MB). This is just a part of total data. I hope it is to be sample.

(04 Apr '14, 10:32) Akiko999

Looks interesting! Again, I suggest you submit a ticket in one of the places I linked to. Thought of one more thing: you might also send a message to the OSM-Japan mailing list ( and see if they've already tried to do something with this data.

(04 Apr '14, 16:03) neuhausr

Thank you, neuhausr. I have created a ticket in a Trac, and post to a mailing list.

(07 Apr '14, 03:43) Akiko999

Even if the government provides data there are usually multiple reasons why we can't or don't want to use it:

  • It might not be compatible with our license
  • The accuracy might be poor
  • Most importantly: It has to be imported by following the import guidelines, requiring extensive planning and consultation with the local community and a lot of manual work to merge it with the already existing data without creating duplicate information or destroying existing data of higher quality
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answered 03 Apr '14, 16:32

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%


Data doesn't have to be in OSM to be used in Nominatim. For example, I believe it tries OSM data first, then in the US falls back on TIGER data, or in the UK it also uses postal code data. So, the government data might be able to be used. The other issue is if the geocoder can handle Japanese-style addressing.

(03 Apr '14, 16:57) neuhausr

That's true. But the downside of this approach is that it makes improving OSM's address data less attractive.

(03 Apr '14, 17:16) scai ♦

Thank you scai. That data can be used freely. It can be download from their website. There is no license. They say that; "Use these data freely, but there is no guarantee."

Their clause is here.

I have read import guidelines, so please let me know anything I have can help with.

(04 Apr '14, 10:43) Akiko999

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question asked: 03 Apr '14, 10:04

question was seen: 5,137 times

last updated: 07 Apr '14, 03:43

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