Hey guys! I need the possibility to find the underlying ground information of a given location (set by latLng) - not an area! I already tried the nominatim reverse search, but it lacks the landuse information. Here's an example query: http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=json&lat=52.5487429714954&lon=-1.81602098644987&zoom=18&addressdetails=1 How do I enforce the output of the landuse here, which would likely be "residential". Greets, Kai asked 02 Apr '14, 22:48 krnlde
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I asked in the #osm-dev IRC Channel and got the following: First, this is a feature planned for osm.org based on the overpass API. Second, overpass2 DEV API already returns information about the enclosing areas: http://overpass2.apis.dev.openstreetmap.org/query?lat=51.7972&lon=8.8686 This is done by this algorithms https://github.com/tomhughes/openstreetmap-website/blob/overpass/app/assets/javascripts/index/query.js#L235 TL,DR;
Unfortunately is_in only appears to be covering areas with names in it. Other areas/ways can be covered by around answered 04 Apr '14, 15:46 krnlde |
I guess currently there is no reversegeocoder with a focus on landuse. You might try to create your own prototype by using the Overpass API and add a small server based analysers as a frontend.
Thanks for your comment. Since I'm not that familiar with the capabilities of Overpass API I put something together to ask if it is the right way to do. Would you please review this http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/2X7
to check your results (I have got only 4 ways tagges with landuse=* ) you can try the overpass turbo wizard to do a query for landuse=anything without any coordinates, but only zoomed to the area you are interested in.
Maybe other landuse-objects are so big that they are not "covered" by your lat-lon-query?
Yep, I think the problem in my query is that it doesn't catch the way (polygon) it is in. I need sth like an extrapolation for this polygon. In my example on overpass-turbo I'm standing on grass next to a basin, but the query only catches objects next to me (the basin), not the area/way I'm "in" (the grass). Any suggestions?
It might be worth asking in the #osm-dev IRC channel - someone there might have a suggestion.
Great idea! I'll try this tonight and let you guys know later :) Thank you all