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Hi there,

I am trying to map areas in the State of Kuwait. I have started in my area, but I had to stop to get some, best tagging methods.

This is how I see the State of Kuwait, admin_level, being played out. Please help if you see a problem.

  • Kuwait (admin_level=2)
  • Governorates (admin_level=4) we have 6 of them
  • City (admin_level=7) The capital of the country, and may be 3 others.This is a blurry item.
  • Suburb (admin_level=8) most of the country seems to fall under this heading. Each suburb has its own mayor of sorts.
  • Neighbourhood (admin_level=9) Every suburb is broken down into Blocks (neighbourhood) and each Block has streets numbered from 1 up words, ie "Street 1", "Street 2", so forth.

This is how address are in Kuwait:

    City or suburb name, Block number, street number.


    Jabriya, Block 8, Street 6, House 24
    Jabriya, Block 7, Street 6, House 24 
These two houses are in the same suburb but different Blocks.

My dilemma is that I am using Boundary Relation to map each Block, and then another boundary relation for the suburb using "boundary=suburb".

What "boundary=*" should I use for the Block or neighbourhood? And should I assign an admin_level to the Block?

I get a warning when in the relation I have "type=boundary" and no "boundary=*"

asked 01 Apr '14, 23:34

Mohammad%20Asiri's gravatar image

Mohammad Asiri
accept rate: 0%

I am a bit confused about OSM objects in Kuwait dealing with boundary=*

Because when going to the well-known webservice , zooming to Kuwait, using the wizard feature of that webpage, and entering there boundary=* I only get very few objects.

Is this correct, or dou you have already mapped all the administrative structure of Kuwait in the OSM data? If yes: how did you do that in detail? via border lines and boundary relations?

After getting clear about the relation structure, we can go on to find a solution for your concrete problem, I think.

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answered 04 Apr '14, 14:12

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 01 Apr '14, 23:34

question was seen: 3,838 times

last updated: 04 Apr '14, 14:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum