I work for a large hotel and our guests have trouble finding our location when using Mapquest. I need to know how to change the actual wording of the Mapquest directions so that guests can understand to make a turn in order to get to our location. As of right now, the directions simply say "Stay on Route 10" when in fact they need to make a jug-handle turn to reach the other side of the highway. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Question is off-topic or not relevant" by Richard 28 Mar '14, 15:39
This is a question-and-answer site for OpenStreetMap, not MapQuest. You can send feedback to MapQuest on their own online form. 2
Arguably, the "wording problem" may come from bad OSM data that has a straight line when there should be a sharp bend. It's not necessarily a problem with MQ's routing algorythm or interface (which would be off-topic here).
(28 Mar '14, 15:49)
Vincent de P... ♦
How is your question related to OpenStreetMap? Are you talking of MapQuest Open?
The first question has to be is the turn on OSM? I have no idea what a jug-handle turn is though.
Can you be more specific, it is difficult to help without being able to see the map.
Can you put the route in OSRM and post a link?
Can you give us more details of the specific example:
o Which hotel is it?
o What URL are you using to obtain directions?
o What directions (actual words) does it provide (in addition to "Stay on Route 10")?
o What directions (actual words) should it provide?
Go to http://open.mapquest.com/ (it needs to be the open version of MapQuest, otherwise it's not OSM data), search for directions that exhibit the problem, and post the link (which you find just below the mapquest logo) here.
If this is the turn in question, http://osrm.at/6Sh , then OSM data is OK and this is a Mapquest routing issue.