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Is it possible to set the scale you need? I've tried the zoom in and out buttons but they do not give the scale I am after. I want a scale of 1:22000, the same as used in the A-Z. Is this possible in OSM? thanks for help.

asked 28 Mar '14, 00:11

tunnock's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I would say scale is hard to define or achieve as it will vary with screen size. I guess this is why we have a distance scale, as opposed to a fraction (1 to 25000) on the map page. On my WIn7 PC set-up pressing ctr + or - will allow some adjustment. If you wish to have printed map at that scale you could save a JPEG or PNG and then use a image processing program to adjust the size or scale. If I'm on the wrong track please give us a bit more information.

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answered 28 Mar '14, 09:45

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%


Hi Andy,

thanks for the reply. Yes I think you are right. I've since discovered that even if I can't find online mapping in the 1:22000 scale I'm after, I should be able to use find something close, and then when I print or use some whizz bang converting software I can set the scale or print size to as close a match as I'll need.

cheers for your help.

(28 Mar '14, 10:32) tunnock

OSM_on_Paper or the various questions about printing here on this page might help you. Or the questions asking for export and scale ...

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answered 28 Mar '14, 11:18

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 28 Mar '14, 11:20

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question asked: 28 Mar '14, 00:11

question was seen: 10,451 times

last updated: 28 Mar '14, 11:20

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