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Bus Stops in DE/Berlin: If there are 2 or more buslines using the same road/street but not using the same bus stops - how do I tag them? Example: Lines 133 and X33 are going the same way most of their way but X33 is an express bus which will stop only at "major" bus stops eg. busline crossing etc.

Any Idea?


asked 27 Mar '14, 09:35

FloWil's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One way is to include the applicable stops in each bus route relation; the X33 relation would include only the major bus stops.

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answered 27 Mar '14, 10:35

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

(27 Mar '14, 16:02) Vincent de P... ♦

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question asked: 27 Mar '14, 09:35

question was seen: 1,936 times

last updated: 27 Mar '14, 16:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum