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Hi, and thanks for your previous help.

I upgraded to Nominatim 2.2, and added the UK postal code data.

I can see the postal code "NE33 5PZ" in the file gb_postcode_data.sql.

When I query "search?postalcode=NE33+5PZ&country=uk"

my server returns an optional address in postal code NE33 4JP, while the public server returns no result.

When I query "street=dean+road&postalcode=NE33+5PZ&country=uk"

both my server and the public server return 3 optional addresses, only my server includes a postal code for each option, but none of them are the one I'm looking for.

so: 1) hasn't the public server been updated to 2.2 yet? 2) why can't I find the postal code "NE33 5PZ" even though I see it in gb_postcode_data.sql:

956675 NE33 5PZ 0101000020E61000007D491A914EEFF6BF710A1A57257E4B40

Thanks a lot, Raz

asked 24 Mar '14, 14:41

RazAlon's gravatar image

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edited 25 Mar '14, 08:14

I get the expected results from Nominatim for this postcode: a Free the Postcode entry and several mapped places adjacent to Dean Road, including one the Stanhope Parade Health Centre which has a postcode but not the one you are after. As no OSM objects are associated with this postcode that's what I would expect.

(24 Mar '14, 16:25) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 24 Mar '14, 14:41

question was seen: 2,390 times

last updated: 25 Mar '14, 08:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum