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As a continuation of this question I would like to revert changeset 21219686. But I am having trouble doing this with two different methods.

  1. JOSM reverter plugin - the connection times out.

  2. Perl script - I get the following error:

    me@server ~/revert $ perl 21219686
    Use of uninitialized value $current_cs_or_comment in pattern match (m//) at line 45.
    Use of uninitialized value $comment in string eq at line 52.
    PUT changeset/create
    [[deleted line with HTML tags which don't show up nicely in editor]]

    GET 404 Not Found (0b) changeset 21219686 cannot be retrieved: 404 Not Found

Can anyone help with this? Or just go ahead and do the revert for us?


asked 23 Mar '14, 21:06

eric22's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

You need to add a changeset comment when calling the Perl code. For example:

perl 21219686 "Reverting damage in changeset 21219686"
permanent link

answered 23 Mar '14, 21:58

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

That gets rid of the two "Use of..." errors at the top, but not the 404...

Interestingly, when I set "dryrun=0" in the config file and run again, the 404 error disappears, but instead I get "cannot create changeset: 401 Authorization Required". I wonder if this indicates my name/PW are wrong in the config file. But I've checked pretty closely, I really think they're correct.

(23 Mar '14, 22:09) eric22

Yes, that's because you're pointing at a test instance on OSM's development server ( You need to change this to the URL of the main OSM API. This is documented in the README at .

(24 Mar '14, 07:47) Richard ♦

Richard: Thanks for putting me on the right track. I figured it out :)

(24 Mar '14, 21:09) eric22

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question asked: 23 Mar '14, 21:06

question was seen: 3,053 times

last updated: 24 Mar '14, 21:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum