I was going to create an account in the wiki with the same username I use accross the internets, this includes www.openstreetmap.org: marc0s. It happens to be an account registered in the wiki with the name "Marcos" and the registration process refuses to create my account because these are "too similar" usernames. Is there any way to workaround this (by contacting a sysadmin or something) or it's the way it's meant to be? Thanks! Full error: Account creation error The name "Marc0s" is too similar to the following username: Marcos Please choose another name. |
I understand your wish of a unified nickname and sadly OSM has no SSO (yet). I reported your problem to the wiki admin: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User_talk:Lambertus#Too_similar_username
Thanks iii :)
Was my fault, I pinged the wrong admin. Now here: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User_talk:Firefishy#Too_similar_username