Происходит расселение населённого пункта, многие дома сносятся. Нужно ли как-то помечать, что дом был именно снесён? Или достаточно просто удалить соответствующий полигон (и связанные с ним точки) с карты? asked 20 Mar '14, 09:00 DrShtopor aseerel4c26 ♦ |
That depends whether there are remaining visible structures or if they have been completely removed. If they are gone forever and there is no trace left on the ground, then just delete the corresponding buildings. If they are still visible on aerial imagery it might be also a good idea to just remove the tags and add a note explaining that the buildings have been demolished. If the buildings are just damaged you can use building=damaged instead, which is already used by the Typhoon Haiyan mapping. But this tagging scheme is not very ideal because usually the building tag describes the type of the building and not its condition. Additionally you should also add a corresponding landuse. If the village is now part of the cloal mine then landuse=quarry and resource=coal will fit.
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answered 20 Mar '14, 16:42 scai ♦ |
The part of village is demolished because it placed near of coal mine and it will be not rebuild as I know. I need just delete objects or specially mark them?