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For the map of the city of Havana, particularly in the Vedado neighborhood, I want to put the street names in a particular position. They should all be lined up... The neighborhood city plan is such that all the streets are organized in an alpha numeric grid. Currently, on the OSM the names are just scattered. This makes it impossible to understand the grid. I want to line up the names so that the map looks more like this ( Here you can easily see the organization. If somebody tells me how to do this, I will take care of the re positioning.


asked 19 Mar '14, 15:15

moe_greene's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Which map rendering toolkit do you use? Where is your "the map"? Or do you want to add a hint for renderers in the data?

(19 Mar '14, 15:29) aseerel4c26 ♦

You can't, and shouldn't, do this.

OpenStreetMap is a massive database of facts - where the world's roads and paths go, and what they're called. Our challenge is to record those facts, and nothing else.

Lots of different software then takes this database and does things with it. The "renderer" that you see on the front page of is one (a renderer takes the database and draws a map out of it). There are other renderers - you can click on the little three-layer icon on the front page for a few, but hundreds more exist. There are also "routers", which give driving directions from this database; and many other tools.

If you try to tweak the data such that it looks "right" on one renderer, you are potentially messing it up for another renderer. (For example, if you split the roads into segments to adjust the name positioning on the OSM front-page renderer, you might cause those names to disappear entirely on a renderer which uses a different or bigger font.)

So - please don't.

Instead, if you think the "rules" which the renderer uses to place labels could be improved, then you can make a suggestion to the volunteers who run that renderer. For the standard front-page style, the suggestions list is at, under "Issues" (you'll need a account to post). Please be polite and humble when submitting issues!

(Unfortunately, for what it's worth, I suspect the particular challenges of this location are unusual and it would be difficult, perhaps impossible, for the renderer rules to be changed to get the result you desire. But I may be wrong and there's no harm in asking.)

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answered 20 Mar '14, 08:38

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 20 Mar '14, 08:40


Hi, try to unite or combine the streets or ways with the same name, but only if Calle1 is the same as 1 ? Please contact the local community to make sure they want the same as you ! The old method to make a map readable is to minimize the visible elements but if all the Streets have one name tag, the tags should end up just below each other.

There has been a discussion about a look-a-like situation. Please read these questions and answers, as well:

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answered 19 Mar '14, 22:14

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

edited 19 Mar '14, 22:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 19 Mar '14, 15:15

question was seen: 5,150 times

last updated: 20 Mar '14, 08:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum