I've rectified an image/map I have and georeferenced it using the mapwarper at mapwarper.net. Now im trying to get it as a background in iD. Is this possible? I've tried clicking on "Background settings" and then on "custom", and a window appears and says: "Enter a tile template. Valid tokens are {z}, {x}, {y} for Z/X/Y scheme and {u} for quadtile scheme." Im using the link provided by mapwarper that looks like this: http://mapwarper.net/maps/tile/2796/z/x/y.png by entering it into the dialogu box/window, and click OK. The only thing that happens is the backgound image (default Bing) disappears and goes to black background with no image. Any Ideas? Thanks asked 19 Mar '14, 03:10 Azzitizz aseerel4c26 ♦ |
I suspect (but not tested) that the link should be http://mapwarper.net/maps/tile/2796/{z}/{x}/{y}.png answered 19 Mar '14, 12:12 SimonPoole ♦ 2
Aha, Yes indeed that was it. So you just need to change the { to the link. Thank you
(19 Mar '14, 15:07)