In my neighbourhood someone has created an island using coastline and naming the island using place=island and name=eldoya. The correct name is eldøya (with the Norwegain letter "ø"). How can I correct this in P2? |
Hi, use a text editor (on your computer), for instance Word, and make the name correctly by adding figures: Løland. Copy and paste the result into the advanced menu directly and the islands name is spelled correctly in OSM. 2
Thanks, that did the trick! And I learned that there is an advanced menu.
(19 Mar '14, 07:54)
This question is not really related to Potlatch2. The only issue is that Potlatch2 does not help you with special characters itself (which is really not wrong). As far as I know the other OSM editors also do not offer a help themselves with this.
Well - it might be - P2 uses Flash, and I have a vague recollection there have been questions asked before about that.
(19 Mar '14, 14:48)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse: hmm, okay, right. E.g. a browser(addon)-based special character insertion would not be possible. But does someone use such a method? I just tried it: entering via compose key (compose / o) is working normally. Also my German Umlauts (öäü) work via the normal keys.
(19 Mar '14, 15:09)
aseerel4c26 ♦
It may be useful to look at the data here (to better understand your problem). Could you please provide a link to the location?
Ah (inspired by Hendrik's answer), is your problem just entering the ø character? I.e. would changing the name to something else ("example" for example) not be a problem?
Okay, judging from your comment below THIS seems to be your problem.