How do load OpenStreetMap data into TileMill? How can I get the style to match Mapnik, could I use the Mapnik style directly. If you can, where do I get the stylesheet from? If you can't where can I get a style that exactly matches or is as close as possible to the Mapnik style used on web OSM map. |
You do not download OSM data into TileMill. You load OSM data into a PostGIS database (which you install beforehand) using the osm2pgsql utility (which you install beforehand), and then you can use that database as a source for your map layers. The style that powers is available on GitHub; be sure to follow the README carefully. Note that this style cannot be modified in TileMill without some tricks, as it involves more files than fit into TileMill's tabbed edit pane. 1
Just to add a little bit to Frederik's answer, "using TileMill to work with data in a PostGIS database" is one of the steps in the TileMill "crash course". It's probably worth following that if you're interested in using TileMill with OSM data and the OSM "standard" map style. Don't let "this style cannot be modified in TileMill without some tricks" put you off, as the main trick is to use an external editor to edit the relevant files, and TileMill is quite good at detecting external changes to files.
(22 Mar '14, 11:31)
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