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When my favorite setting is iD, Potlatch 2 is still opening when I press Edit in IE. It's not happening in Opera. Why?

asked 18 Mar '14, 01:57

ivolino's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Mar '14, 02:11

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

note: (in the meantime) iD is the default editor setting, so iD should open even if you do not explicitly set iD as favourite – unless you are using Internet Explorer.

(29 Apr '15, 21:43) aseerel4c26 ♦

As far as I know this is a browser-based switch due to incompatibility (or at least very bad performance or something) of iD with IE. See iD in our wiki and the linked IE bug reports there.

permanent link

answered 18 Mar '14, 02:10

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 18 Mar '14, 02:12

So what is the best browser to use?

(18 Mar '14, 02:36) ivolinoo

If you want to use iD, use a browser other than IE. If you want to use P2, use whichever browser you want. While you're comparing different OpenStreetmap editors, you might want to check out JOSM too - it's not browser based, but you can invoke it from the web site via an "edit" link in the same way.

(18 Mar '14, 02:40) SomeoneElse ♦

I used opera but I can't save my edits. will have a look to J OSM.

(18 Mar '14, 03:01) ivolinoo

For iD apparently Chrome/Chromium is fastest. However, try JOSM if you are not happy with the online editors. Take your time to set up and learn, be slow and careful. But at the end it is much faster, powerful and with less pain (my personal opinon).

You can't save? What was the error message? This should not happen - it is worth a bug report. Hmm, if you were accessing via HTTPS, try via HTTP.

See Comparison_of_editors for the pro/con list of our editors.

(18 Mar '14, 03:04) aseerel4c26 ♦

sidenote @ "invoke it from the web site via an "edit" link in the same way." - well, not fully. JOSM needs to be already running when clicking the edit link. Note: this does currently not work in modern browsers (with default settings) via HTTPS. However, the edit link is not needed by JOSM - you can navigate inside JOSM, so this is no problem even if you want to access via HTTPS.

(18 Mar '14, 03:08) aseerel4c26 ♦

I get this error message:

An error occurred while trying to save
Cannot parse valid changeset from xml string . Must specify a string with one or more characters.

How do I change from HTTPS to HTTP?

(18 Mar '14, 03:30) ivolino

@ivolino: likely you are on HTTP already. if you are on HTTPS most browsers will show "https" in front of "…" in the address bar. There you also can change it.

(18 Mar '14, 13:12) aseerel4c26 ♦

@ivolino: do you get this error message always? Or was it just once? In which browser and editor was it?

(18 Mar '14, 13:16) aseerel4c26 ♦

I have this address:

Yes I get the error message always. I tried at different days. Many times .Opera 20 stable.

(18 Mar '14, 14:33) ivolino

@ivolino: Thanks! This URL is no HTTPS and iD. Judging from a quick scan of the opera issues of iD it seems to work in general. So, the problem may not be known yet. If you want to help the iD development (for opera) report an "issue" (this is a bug report) there. Maybe someone else does it for you. I won't because I do not like to register at this company ("github") with a bad privacy policy.

(18 Mar '14, 15:27) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 18 Mar '14, 01:57

question was seen: 3,100 times

last updated: 29 Apr '15, 21:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum