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I am creating my university indoor map on Android.

I have picture.jpg which is my university's map:

university's map

When I import this picture on josm , it is showing like this

picture on josm

How can I import this school indoormap on josm?? and add data is there any video. Because wiki language is very hard to understand to me.

asked 16 Mar '14, 08:43

Ayse%20duygu's gravatar image

Ayse duygu
accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Mar '14, 13:35

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

First you need to understand the (different!) schmemas for modelling indoor OSM data:
Then you need to figure out a good workflow for JOSM (e.g. adding your sketch in background, hiding levels to get better overflow, ...). To add your image, I recommend an aerial alignment service, so you can add the image as WMS.
Last but not least you need to find a services that makes use of your modelled data. AFAIK there is currently no renderer or anything that supports this schema and has a clever output (3D or multilayer floorplan)

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answered 16 Mar '14, 11:42

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Thanks very much your answer. I learn so much think due to you. But could you give more example about aerial alignment service.. and You said you need to find services It is like what ? So.. I am googling what I meet new word.. If you give more information , I will me pleased

(17 Mar '14, 06:49) Ayse duygu

The Metalabs rectifier seems to be offline, but there are alternatives. Please keep in mind, that the floorplan might be copyright protected and itself is intellectual property, so you might get problems to host it public.

(17 Mar '14, 08:46) iii

… if it is not explicitly public domain or something, then it is not even allowed to be used as help in drawing (if you plan to add the data to OSM)!

(17 Mar '14, 13:34) aseerel4c26 ♦

I hope you will add indoor data on josm successfully, thank you for sharing your information with us.

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answered 28 Apr '20, 10:34

Smith%20Hennry's gravatar image

Smith Hennry
accept rate: 0%


Please stop reviving old questions by adding answers containing no useful information.

(28 Apr '20, 10:37) scai ♦

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question asked: 16 Mar '14, 08:43

question was seen: 6,049 times

last updated: 28 Apr '20, 10:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum