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I am new to OpenStreetMap. My goal is to integrate flash maps in my site for searching.

Sample site:

I am confused by reading many forums. Please help me. It's urgent. Don't mind if any mistakes.

asked 18 Feb '11, 16:14

psn's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Jan '15, 12:12

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Please keep in mind that the help forums aren't a consultant group, so expression of urgency is generally not going to garner faster results. Plus you'd probably want "right" instead of "fast" in the long term.

(18 Feb '11, 16:57) Baloo Uriza

Opening duplicates of the question wont garner faster results either. If your behavior does anything at all then it does piss of the volunteers who might be willing to help you.

(19 Feb '11, 11:27) petschge

Don't forget to accept an answer (the round checkmark button).

(10 Mar '11, 16:56) Baloo Uriza

I'm curious what the end goal is? If you're not totally dead set on using Flash, OpenLayers will work with any browser that has Javascript, which will make your site accessible to a larger group than if you limit yourself to just people who have Flash. The OpenLayers entry on the OSM wiki has some examples that you can give your webmaster to get started on setting up your own maps based on OSM and data sources with the locations of your properties.

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answered 18 Feb '11, 16:59

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%

edited 18 Feb '11, 17:00

See OpenScales - a powerful Flash alternative to OpenLayers.

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answered 19 Feb '11, 16:46

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Hadn't heard of that one before. Looks neat. I've added it to the list

(21 Feb '11, 14:10) Harry Wood

A html+javascript solution :

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answered 21 Feb '11, 11:50

NicolasDumoulin's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

We list many alternatives for 'Deploying your own Slippy Map' on the OpenStreetMap wiki.

Doing this in JavaScript using OpenLayers, is the most popular approach, but a number of flash based alternatives are listed.

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answered 21 Feb '11, 12:21

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

Thanks for your reply,

Is their any reference code procedure. It will be more helpful to me.

(21 Feb '11, 12:35) psn

Well which one are you looking at using? OpenScales looks interesting. I hadn't heard of it before. They provide a tutorial with code samples featuring OpenStreetmap on their site.

(21 Feb '11, 14:08) Harry Wood

Detailed help for any of the flash tools is outside the main focus of openstreetmap or this help site. Please use the documentation and example code available from the respective flash tool.

(21 Feb '11, 14:38) petschge

That's not necessarily true. Certainly there's no point duplicating lots of content which is already covered on an external site, but we might try to cover some details of how to work with OpenStreetMap and the various tools. Obviously that becomes more helpful if the external site doesn't already have OpenStreetMap examples. We might also be a little more objective about pros and cons, and pointing at alternatives. But obviously it all depends on people writing and updating it. For example the Mapstraction page describes various issues, but I (or anyone) should check if they've been solved.

(21 Feb '11, 15:29) Harry Wood

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question asked: 18 Feb '11, 16:14

question was seen: 15,999 times

last updated: 12 Jan '15, 12:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum