Hi all. I'm using free Mapfactor Navigator 12.4.1 on PDA HP IPAQ. I found a very odd journey along a highway path. I attach here two screen capture: cattura.jpg represents the route and cattura0.jpg a magnification. I'm on the "Autostrada della Cisa A15" between Parma and the junction with the “Autostrada A12". Instead of lead me on connection between the two highways, the Navigator advised to do about 40 miles to exit the A15 and then returning in the opposite direction and reach the A10. I have not set any roadblock. I can't explain this oddity. It is the first time that happens: usually the navigator recommends the direct connection between the two highways. |
Hi, I have put that route into OSRM and it works fine, indicating that the OSM data is correct. See http://osrm.at/6Jy If you had missed the turn, or GPS data was in error and thought you had, it does take you on the long detour http://osrm.at/6Jz . Were you driving this, or just planning? At the turn around however some very strange stuff happens. On this one, the sharp right turn onto the secondary loop looks very, very wrong to me: http://osrm.at/6JA . I suspect missing oneway and turn restriction tags. Thanks for your reply. I can't open your last two documents, but only the first. In the routing, on my navigator, there is no turn restriction and the oneways are correct.
(14 Mar '14, 19:10)
Perfect. The strange thing is that one week before the navigation was correct. Meanwhile, I have not received updates nor for the map nor the software.
(14 Mar '14, 19:30)
@trig222: You mean at node/1475144345, right? Looks like there is a turn restriction missing, yes (if it is really forbidden to turn in there in reality – looks like on bing).
(14 Mar '14, 19:34)
aseerel4c26 ♦
It certainly looks like there is a missing left turn restriction there at https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1475144345 In the case of your original question, all I can think of, and assuming you were using the GPS in the car, is that you got a GPS error that made the software think you had passed the point where you would have gone from the A15 to the A12.
(14 Mar '14, 20:10)
The original problem is between the node 254353257 and the node 979095619 of the link from "Autostrada della Cisa" and "Autostrada Azzurra". The error has been reproduced at home, without GPS navigation: the route between Parma and Levanto already contains the error.
(14 Mar '14, 21:54)
meta: please use the "add a comment" link - and not the big text box... unless you want to give a new answer to the original question. This one here is not a plain forum.
(14 Mar '14, 23:30)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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