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I am looking for a track from Simikot (Nepal) via lake Manasarovar (Tibet) to mount Kailas (Tibet) Who can help me?

asked 12 Mar '14, 16:22

Geer's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12 Mar '14, 17:55

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Your question is not really suited for this help site (too special/specific). However, since are are here already...

Are you searching for routing based on OSM data? There are many routing engines and instances. See Routing in our wiki. Eg. part 1 and part 2. Note that those are not recommended hiking routes or whatever. Those are just fastest connections based on the existing data.

For easy tour planning I recommend (track creator does not need a login). Also see this list. At gpsies (and the many similar websites) you also find suggested tours from other users. If you are lucky there may be a suggested tour.

You can find much more general answers on this site here. Click the tags below your question.

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answered 12 Mar '14, 17:53

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 12 Mar '14, 18:05

This is a very basic question, anyway I will try to give you a short answer:

Please look at the desired region using and checkout if a track/road/... already exists. If the area appear to be mapped already, you might try a routing service with global coverage and your desired routing profile to calculate a way trough this region.
If there are no streets mapped in that region it might be possible that this is the real situation or that noone mapped there before. In last case, we would appreciate any contribution back to OSM :)

Be warned, I would never rely only on one source of information if I would plan a long trip in a unknown country. So better get feedback by local guides/books/...

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answered 12 Mar '14, 17:56

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 12 Mar '14, 16:22

question was seen: 3,733 times

last updated: 12 Mar '14, 18:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum