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Hello, I am trying to research a few aspects and then hopefully build a useful tool for OSM. I was wondering if it is possible to obtain the user edit histories for a specific set of users (around 1700, I have their UIDs).

I know about the API, but the wiki states that it is recommended only for editing operations. I wasn't able to find any queries for such an operation using the Overpass API.

Is the planet.osm dump the best method?

Also, are their any privacy implications? All I am trying to understand is how these users contribute.

asked 10 Mar '14, 14:11

vr3690's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Mar '14, 18:14

You can extract this information from the Full History Planet dump, but it will be a time- and resource-intensive exercise. Even then these dumps do not contain edits prior to October 2007 or redacted objects.

You should also be aware that some aspects of how people edit OSM can depend on the editor they're using.

It may be worth investigating the various user-related tools Pascal Neis has developed (for example) before committing time and energy to building your own.

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answered 10 Mar '14, 14:20

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 10 Mar '14, 14:11

question was seen: 5,220 times

last updated: 10 Mar '14, 18:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum