Are the dates for which the merchants are added archived? Can someone tell me how many merchants were on coinmap at the end of 2012, and at the end of 2013? Or if coinmap was created after 2012, does anyone have data for a 6 month or similar interval, to judge the growth of Bitcoin merchants around the world? I am currently writing my thesis on Bitcoin adoption by offline merchants, so all help will be greatly appreciated! =) Peace! EDIT: thanks for the answer. so where can i find data of merchants added onto openstreetmap / coinmap over time? These numbers will be helpful for me, regardless of the accuracy of it as an indicator for Bitcoin adoption. |
As far as I know there is no service / data source which offers those numbers directly. But you can download old planet dumps and calculate yourself. Problem: the dumps are very, very big. Have a look at the "about" (info icon on their map web page) of OSMatrix. Our wiki pages about Research and Stats and Planet.osm (respectively Planet.osm/full) may be helpful too. |
OpenStreetMap records the time when something was added to OpenStreetMap, not the time when something started to exist. Therefore, the recording in OSM of Bitcoin joints is not a suitable indicator of Bitcoin adoption. |
Just keep in mind that OSM/Coinmap is just one way of a btc catalogue. So it's not an adequat source for scientific analysis...