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Been using OSM on nexus 7 witk 4.4.2 android for few weeks and been adding the places gone to as i go. what would be great is if all those my places could be made visible on the maps with the group tag, e.g. eateries getting the knife/fork symbol.

asked 08 Mar '14, 11:28

SekeRob's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Mar '14, 13:43

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

about which "maps" are you talking? There are many maps based on OSM data. And for all the same applies: you need to ask the map creator to show a symbol. At OSM you are just tagging a place. You cannot define how it should appear on maps. If the edit shows up in your edits list and you used a usual (preferably) tagging it is fine.

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answered 08 Mar '14, 11:44

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 08 Mar '14, 11:47


Thanks for reply. Did not realise there has to be a map specified. Using MapFactor: GPS navigator 1.1.5 which came off google playstore. When installed pulled many european country maps through its map manager which have a yyyymmdddn reference (all there is). Even signed up for osm mapper to add little sidestreets seen missing in our area. Right now my places show with the given text label. Do i take it that getting this feature has to maybe be submitted to the mapfactor maker?

(08 Mar '14, 12:02) SekeRob

@SekeRob: As far as I know MapFactor makes its own vector maps. Those are updated every now and then (maybe the yyyymmdddn is the last update). You need to wait for MapFactor to make a map update (that is pulling the new/changed data from OSM and build the map). Not everything will be shown on the MapFactor maps (no map shows everything), but if you have added "sidestreets" and they are shown on the MapFactor maps usually, then also your new sidestreets will show up - after MapFactor has updated their map. You just need to wait. You will see you streets after some minutes on the map.

(08 Mar '14, 13:42) aseerel4c26 ♦

thoroughly confused now as when following tracks, OSM was pointed as the source of the maps and from thereon signed up. Anyway, having my places show up with user definable group or individual icons is i suppose now a mapfactor feature to be requested, nothing perse for OSM.

THANKS again

(08 Mar '14, 13:49) SekeRob

@SekeRob: Signing up for OSM and then improving our data with your local knowledge (and the supplied aerial imagery) is fine, thank you for this! Is SekeRob your user account? It made no edits yet (regarding your "sidestreets" …).

(08 Mar '14, 13:59) aseerel4c26 ♦

@SekeRob: However, any display issues or feature requests for MapFactor's software need to be directed to them. This especially applies to anything "user definable" (non-public, …).

side note: If you go to you will find a layer switcher on the right. It shows a small selection of the many maps which are based on the OSM data.

I hope I could make it a bit clearer.

(08 Mar '14, 13:59) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 08 Mar '14, 11:28

question was seen: 19,027 times

last updated: 08 Mar '14, 14:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum