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I need to convert x/y/z.png in meta file, to join my static cache to renderd cache.

I have the entire stack apache/mod_tile/map_nick/renderd/postgres installed but I can not find the executable "convert_meta"

I saw in the source code ( exists convert_meta.c but i could not to compile it individually the file with gcc.

How can i get to the executable "convert_meta"?

Thank you for your help.

asked 06 Mar '14, 14:27

jammejamme's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

is there anyone who has used convert_meta? that can explain how to use it. thanks

(11 Mar '14, 14:10) jammejamme

Hmmm ... your question seems to be quite special ...

try asking at the developer or general OSM mailing list:

(11 Mar '14, 17:03) stephan75

(not that it's useful until you've converted the C source into something you can run), but there is the source of a man page for it here.

(11 Mar '14, 17:07) SomeoneElse ♦

Did you get this to work? Having the same problem.

(13 May '14, 11:58) danmcc

convert_meta line is commented out in Does it compile if you uncomment it?

(14 May '14, 14:39) Zverik
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question asked: 06 Mar '14, 14:27

question was seen: 4,287 times

last updated: 06 May '15, 10:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum