How can I tag a (covered) outdoor stage ? The ones I'm trying to tag are in a park. Something like this
This question is marked "community wiki".
What you have (and what I would like to tag in a local park - currently just tagged as building with a description tag) is a stage with a roof (the shape is mapped by tracing the building outline. Building=roof, like the cover of a gas station is enough for the building, the other suggestions for its specific use such as amenity=theatre;bandstand & are fine. The semi colon is added because OSM wont except 2 amenitys. Most of these kinds of buildings are multiple used by different societies for music or theatre.
(02 Mar '14, 23:05)
(03 Mar '14, 14:07)
I was thinking of
(03 Mar '14, 15:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦
@Hendrikklaas, please see our documentation about the semicolon. It is not unproblematic here. I would recommend to only use one, the more important one.
(03 Mar '14, 15:30)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Hmm, I just realize that
(03 Mar '14, 16:49)
aseerel4c26 ♦
For open air stage I would tag highway=footpath and area=yes for covered would be building=roof, amenity=theatre. Also add any tags you see need to be added. |
After further research, I found that the closest to a consensus on this is There is also another tag for a specific type of outdoor stage: a band stand, which uses In my case, I also will add
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This answer is marked "community wiki".
the bandstand seems to be for "polygonal structure" and "Most of them were built during the 19th and early 20th centuries." That seems to be wrong.
(02 Mar '14, 22:30)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I didn't mean to say a band stand is applicable in my case, I was just pointing out an specific type of outdoor stage.
(02 Mar '14, 22:48)
amenity=theatre is more for a building, not something like a light structure
(03 Mar '14, 14:41)
and theatres, such as Seebuehne at Bregenz (photo) at
(05 Mar '14, 23:09)
SK53 ♦