How to tag a short strech of a way just below a civil viaduct, a crossing of 2 ways, over each other, The minor / unclassified way is lowered, so IMHO it’s a cutting. The primary way on top gets +1. What about the short stretch below the building, covered or should I use, since its legit the tunnel=building_passage tag, for the passage below a way ? |
It is not necessary to add a separate tag for a way going below a bridge, assuming the bridge has already been tagged correctly. If there is a cutting then just add the cutting tag. The tunnel=building_passage would be wrong because it should only be used in situations where the building in question is not a bridge itself. What if the building is a pedistrian area (corridor, level 1) for residentials crossing the open space, together with living quarters ?
(02 Mar '14, 20:39)