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Have problems with osm while trying to syncronize with OKTMO-2014 base (osm settlement<->oktmo settlement).

  • duplicate names
  • inconsistent naming
  • some missing villages (not much)
  • a lot of missing tags (region, country, district, settlement type etc)

How can i contact with someone who can solve this problems (country-wide)?

~0-10 problems per district:

  • 57 Иркутская область
  • 59 Свердловская область
  • 30 Челябинская область
  • 32 Хабаровский край

The steps I'm following: sync regions, sync districts using region boundaries as helper, sync settlements using district boundaries and tags as helpers. (some of them manually because of naming differences)

just an example: map wiki

"с Первомайское" is missing from osm, but it's an administrative center of "Первомайский сельсовет" which includes: п Берёзовая Горка, п Восточный, п Ягодный, п Ясная Поляна, с Первомайское yandex. All but center are marked on the map.

asked 01 Mar '14, 14:19

olamedia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Mar '14, 09:29


Why would you think that OSM's data about villages should be identical to someone else's? I'm not familiar with OKTMO but since OSM is independently surveyed, it seems only logical that OSM will not be identical to OKTMO?

(01 Mar '14, 21:16) Frederik Ramm ♦

OKTMO is an official directory of administrative units, since 2014 used as main in financial documents. While most settlements of osm were updated using some statistic data of 2002 year (mb ~50% tagged) and CLADR database (mb ~10% tagged) which is holy mess.

Of course, osm should include abandoned villages etc, but if a lot of just missing (new ones?), not have any tags at all, some are probably renamed and missing alt_name tags, some have types merged with name...

(02 Mar '14, 03:21) olamedia

Have you verified whether OKTMO's licence is compatible with OSM's licence? I'm not a native speaker but it seems like that OSM can't fulfill their terms. And even if, doing automatic synchronizations with external data sources is usually unwanted. Please see the wiki about imports and read our strict import guidelines.

(02 Mar '14, 09:31) scai ♦

I do not want to syncronize osm with oktmo. I do sync half-automatic oktmo with osm for myself. And wish to point on missing/inaccurate data of osm. The amounts of data that should be fixed is not for a single post, so I want to contact someone who control this regions.

(02 Mar '14, 10:27) olamedia

You might be better addressing this to the Russian OSM forum:

(02 Mar '14, 11:46) SK53 ♦

SK53 convert your comment to answer. I did found a topic about them validating osm using OKTMO.

Btw, that settlement from example had a boundary, but no point: (still a lot of another bugs in other districts)

(02 Mar '14, 13:57) olamedia
showing 5 of 6 show 1 more comments

Another option: adding notes at problem places:

permanent link

answered 03 Mar '14, 07:48

olamedia's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 01 Mar '14, 14:19

question was seen: 6,726 times

last updated: 03 Mar '14, 07:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum