I would like to add defined neighborhood lines (highlighted) on the open source map on my website. These lines will travel mostly along roads but will also travel along a few rivers. They need to be highlighted as the road name will still need to be read under the line. There are a six spots that the line must travel in a straight line that is not associated with a river or road. I am looking at dividing the city up into 90+- neighborhoods I am a realtor and I want buyers to click on the areas (neighborhoods) they are interested in buying a home. When they click on the defined neighborhood, it will be highlighted. They can be clicked on or off. In turn, the areas they click on will be auto populated into a form below. The form below will also have questions such as price range of the home, # beds, #baths, style of home etc. The website user will hit submit and the completed form (including the neighbourhoods chosen) will be e mailed to me. |
There are many different ways to solve this. One typical way would be storing the different neighborhood lines in a separate file, like a KML or GeoJSON file, and then overlay that onto an OpenStreetMap base map with OpenLayers. For that, you would require
The first two bullet points can be done by yourself if you have sufficient GIS/programming skills, or you could hire a professional. The third bullet point can be had for free if your tile usage is small-scale (use OSM tile server) or you could use the free MapQuest tiles; but you can also buy tile serving commercially. If you are looking for professional support see "Commercial OSM Software and Services" on the Wiki. |