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I have downloaded a map section and would like to take it to a commercial printer to print in colour, large size eg. 40x50cm to be included in a guide book. How do I open the .osm file? And possibly, how do I convert into a conventional format?

asked 25 Feb '14, 17:18

alp999's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Likely you don't want to start with a osm file. But even if … See the many other questions about printing: or

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answered 25 Feb '14, 18:24

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 25 Feb '14, 18:27

I have downloaded a map section and would like to take it to a commercial printer to print in colour, large size eg. 40x50cm to be included in a guide book. How do I open the .osm file? And possibly, how do I convert into a conventional format?

You will want to use a renderer to convert the OSM data to a PNG. The most popular way is with osm2pgsql + Mapnik, but other options like Maperative also work. Your printer should tell you what resolution they want, but it's probably about 600 DPI.

I'd try using Tilemill to export to a PNG, with a scale factor set. You should be warned that the openstreetmap-carto, the default style used on the OSM front page, is not well suited for print for a variety of reasons.

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answered 04 Mar '14, 02:34

pnorman's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

You can try the Print plugin for JOSM:

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answered 25 Feb '14, 17:59

LogicalViolinist's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 25 Feb '14, 17:18

question was seen: 9,073 times

last updated: 04 Mar '14, 02:34

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