Hi, For my OS aircraft navigation app I use OSM maps. I used to download tiles of 2 degr lon and 1 degr lat. Then using imagemagick to glue them all together. Combersome, and the downloading doesn't seem to work (in time) anymore. Now I want to create the maps myself. I have Mapnik installed. Used osm2pgsql to load some osm data into the database. Now I want to use Mapnik to create a map. Just using the default OSM style. Where can I get it? (BTW tilemill and carto [converting from css] won't work on Ubuntu 12.10). Can somebody please help me out here (my project depends on it). Thanks. asked 24 Feb '14, 23:46 wim de vries aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Not really a good answer (as I did never, not even nearly, try this myself), but maybe still helpful (checking our documentation …). Wait for better answers. These style sheets are out of date but similar to the current one. You can use them if your carto converter does not work. http://switch2osm.org → http://switch2osm.org/serving-tiles/manually-building-a-tile-server-12-04/ → section "Install Mapnik style-sheet" → http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/mapnik → README and osm.xml seem to be what you are searching for. https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto → (previous non-carto stylsheets) → https://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/subversion/applications/rendering/mapnik answered 25 Feb '14, 00:08 aseerel4c26 ♦ Thanks for the fast reply. I will try this. Still a bit confused for I thought that the osm.xml was an OSM data file, not a style file.
(25 Feb '14, 00:22)
wim de vries
as far as I understand it it is a style file (look into it — this is no osm data)
(25 Feb '14, 00:24)
aseerel4c26 ♦
The old, non-carto style sheets can be used but they don't show the same map that you see on openstreetmap.org these days. Converting the Carto CSS to XML is simple and will work with Ubuntu 12.10 - use the command line converter from https://github.com/mapbox/carto.
(25 Feb '14, 07:05)
Frederik Ramm ♦
Thanks. The link above is not valid anymore. I installed the ubuntu carto package: running it: "/usr/bin/nodejs: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/nodejs/zipfile/_zipfile.node: undefined symbol: _ZN2v814ObjectTemplate11SetAccessorENS_6HandleINS_6StringEEEPFNS1 INS_5ValueEEENS_5LocalIS2_EERKNS_12AccessorInfoEEPFvS7_NS6 IS4_EESA_ES5_NS_13AccessControlENS_17PropertyAttributeE" (replaced some " I googled on that but could not find a solution that worked. Maybe there is a updated carto somewhere?
(25 Feb '14, 10:32)
wim de vries
@wim de vries: I've updated the link - the help site software had added a spurious full stop.
(25 Feb '14, 10:38)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thanks a lot.
(25 Feb '14, 10:53)
wim de vries
@Frederik: sure, they are out of date but similar and it was mentioned that carto does not work for the OP.
(25 Feb '14, 11:43)
aseerel4c26 ♦
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The stylesheets used by openstreetmap for the "standard" layer are found at https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto . The files at https://trac.openstreetmap.org/browser/subversion/applications/rendering/mapnik are for an old version of the style and are no longer used or maintained. The openstreetmap-carto stylesheet can be used by Tilemill. I develop them using Tilemill (and CartoCSS) on Ubuntu 12.04, so I don't know why you've said that it won't work on 12.10. For what you need though, you might not need to install Tilemill. I would suggest converting the stylesheets from CartoCSS to XML using the command line converter from https://github.com/mapbox/carto and then using the XML with nik2img to generate the large images that you require. answered 25 Feb '14, 09:52 Andy Allan 1
Thanks. The conversion went OK now. Just explaining a bit more about the OSM maps I use currently. scale 1:500000 (which is also standard in aviation maps) covering south and west and mid europe. Runs on a netbook (rendering in 3D). (see http://sourceforge.net/projects/openflightnav/?source=directory) Now I am porting it to a mobile platform (Sailfish/Jolla). My current OSM map -including the 3D data- is to big, so I want to create smaller sets (now testing the netherlands). The exact (lon/lat) borders of the map must be known to enable navigation.
(25 Feb '14, 13:03)
wim de vries
So, possibly you are right by using sth simpler like nik2img (btw the URI isn't there anymore). I installed Tilemill from a package, it just shows a page with some dead links/buttons. Possibly it is outdated.
(25 Feb '14, 13:04)
wim de vries
Sorry, the link is not dead, but http://trac.mapnik.org/wiki/Nik2Img within that page.
(25 Feb '14, 13:05)
wim de vries