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First of all I am new to OpenStreetMap. I am using the following to reverse geocode a point The road (Linglestown Road), County (Dauphin), state (PA), and zip code (17112) returned are correct for the position, but the city returned is Holiday Park, PA which is in Allegheny County with a zip code of 15239 near Plum, PA (Pittsburg area)instead of Harrisburg, PA. Holiday Park (Longitude: -79.7092) is over 200 miles west of Harrisburg (Longitude: 76.74331 for the address). Is this a database error or what would cause the city to be incorrect? Thanks for any help with this.

asked 24 Feb '14, 18:08

iTRAKDeveloper's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This appears to be a data issue, although I should add that this does not necessarily mean that the data are incorrect. It does mean that Nominatim is behaving as expected with its given inputs.

According to OpenStreetMap there are two places coded as place=hamlet (probably incorrectly, many small areas of cities were so coded when GNIS data were imported) in PA. One is the one you refer to, Holiday Park, Allegheny Co, but the other is very close to your latlon reference in Dauphin Co.

There are the two relevant nodes, and their associated Nominatim info:

Many places in the US could do with better information regarding their relative status: in particular many places named hamlet would be better classified as suburbs, or neighbourhoods. In the main more information as to the bounds of the area a node refers to makes Nominatim's task easier.

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answered 24 Feb '14, 19:20

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

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question asked: 24 Feb '14, 18:08

question was seen: 2,387 times

last updated: 24 Feb '14, 19:20

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum