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Is there any routing service api, which returns data containing the id of the osm nodes of the way?

Edit: Maybe my question isn't clear enough. I'd like to find a routing api which returns not (only) the coordinates of the route (between a start and an end point), but the osm nodes. In other words an api, that returns a route which consists of osm nodes.

asked 24 Feb '14, 10:42

csati's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Feb '14, 11:54

Check the router at Project OSRM, if you add annotations=nodes as a parameter it should give you the list of OSM nodes used. Unfortunately the server is not too stable.

permanent link

answered 25 Jul '17, 13:52

PetrHaj's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jul '17, 13:53

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question asked: 24 Feb '14, 10:42

question was seen: 2,063 times

last updated: 25 Jul '17, 13:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum