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In the United States, there are areas called Indian resevations that were set aside for the native peoples that imigrants would take land from. Now, they are more or less like everywhere else, with towns, highways, and the like. Would anybody have an idea of how I should tag this?

asked 23 Feb '14, 06:42

ItalianMustache's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Feb '14, 10:00

iii's gravatar image



An boundary relation with boundary=protected_area seems to be the right way, but I also never used it before :)

P.S. I'm not a native EN speaker, but AFAIK the prefered term is 'native american' for what the EU folks call 'indian'

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answered 23 Feb '14, 09:58

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%


I doubt that protected_area is correct.

As I understand it, reservations are semi-automous self-governing areas where the state(s) they are in have limited authority. And the boundaries for them are not generally the same as the conventional counties that are under a state in hierarchy. And in some cases a reservation may extend across state boundaries. So they are, in some respects, at the same level as states in the legal hierarchy.

I think they should have a boundary relation but haven't got a clue what the boundary should be tagged as.

(23 Feb '14, 16:21) n76

our wiki as this entry Tag:boundary%3Daboriginal_lands and wikipedia as this List_of_Indian_reservations_in_the_United_States but maybe contacting the reserve may be the right way to get information on the naming they prefer and the boundaries.

(24 Feb '14, 00:35) andy mackey

Maybe it's a misunderstanding on my side, but the wiki page say:
"class 24 - Political protection: reservation / indigenous area / aborigine: self-governing communities with land + indigenous "
Call me wrong, but isn't that what the user asked for?

Anyway, boundary=aboriginal_lands sounds better :)

(24 Feb '14, 20:47) iii

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question asked: 23 Feb '14, 06:42

question was seen: 4,046 times

last updated: 24 Feb '14, 20:47

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