hi Iran satellite maps is to old. Satellite map of Iran from 2012 until now has not been updated. Do these maps are updated? asked 22 Feb '14, 23:55 Ali Zangeneh aseerel4c26 ♦ |
We cannot update the bing aerial images ourselves. See image-of-bing-is-very-old. You may enter your location at Bing/Priorities (new account needed) but that is just an idea. In the end: please just wait for bing updating. In the meantime we have some other providers of aerial imagery which we are allowed to use: just look at the imagery menu in your editor – likely you will find e.g. Mapbox Sat there. If you are lucky it is newer. But please do not use unallowed imagery, e.g. google's satellite imagery (for mapping / your edits / your additions). We are not allowed to use it, so you should not. Last option if you cannot find an allowed up-to-date imagery source: Use another mapping technique (e.g. gps traces) to add the shape of a new road to our maps. answered 23 Feb '14, 01:39 aseerel4c26 ♦ I think if users far, Microsoft is likely to ask us to update the maps in
(23 Feb '14, 13:36)
Ali Zangeneh
@Ali Zangeneh: Sorry, I do not not understand. Could you please rephrase / use other words?
(23 Feb '14, 13:54)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Hi Ali, do you mean the satellite/aerial imagery which is enabled by default in our editors?
yes i mean aerial
i chek aerial and google
aerial to old
very road and build and... create in 2 years but not show in satellitle maps in aerail
Emam Ali autobahn north and south in Tehran
Payabar Azam AutoBahn in Qom
if you See Qom Maps I Create This Autobahn but not in satellitle maps aerial, google
Thanks, I think I understand what you mean: The aerial imagery from bing is too old to be useful in mapping a recently built street. This is unfortunate, but not easily changeable – see below.