In the bikemap representation ("Radfahrerkarte") contour lines are shown in the map. Are these contour lines available in OSM? Is there any other resource of contour lines in OSM? This question was closed, because it is duplicate to question Elevation maps. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Duplicate Question, see" by Baloo Uriza 07 Mar '11, 20:46
You will find the answers to your questions in this thread, posted 8 hours ago: elevation maps (Summary: These contour lines are not available in OSM, but they may be generated from NASA's SRTM data.) |
You can use a program called srtm2osm, to download from the SRTM site the elevation data for a specified area and convert it into an OSM-format contour file; then you can use mkgmap to merge the contours with data from OSM, and produce a contoured map. There's a lot more information about this on the OSM wiki. |