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Hi everyone, I would like to know if the source of osm2po is available. I've been trying to find it, but with no success.

asked 21 Feb '14, 12:45

Speeder1612's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

According to the licence forbids reverse engineering, de-compiling and disassembling. Hence osm2po is proprietary (and should be avoided ;)).

Depending on what you are planning to do, free and open source alternatives include osm2pgrouting for pgRouting imports, or OSRM, GraphHopper, and gosmore as full-blown routing engines that can load the full OSM planet and have a routing API. These open source projects represent dozens of years of research and development; by making them Open Source, their authors have secured the participation of many others in coding enhancements or finding and fixing bugs.

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answered 21 Feb '14, 14:44

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 27 Feb '14, 19:45

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦

Interesting opinion ... Would you publish source code from 5 years of development and further 5 years of reasearch? osm2po is not community driven, so there is no need to share anything here. Nevertheless it's free, even for commercial use.

(27 Feb '14, 19:21) pimapper

Interesting that you would join the site for the first time to post your comment on Frederik's opinion. Are you the developer of the proprietary program under discussion?

Yes, proprietary software should be avoided.

Would I publish source code from 5 years of development? Of course. So would many thousands of others, including the developers of many of the OpenStreetMap software tools. Some of those code bases are approaching ten years of age. And they are published and re-published every day.

(28 Feb '14, 00:27) Richard Weait

can i get the source code of the OSRM etc?

(16 May '14, 14:54) efrien
(16 May '14, 14:59) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 21 Feb '14, 12:45

question was seen: 5,781 times

last updated: 16 May '14, 15:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum