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Mine location is not correct.How can i change it?

asked 20 Feb '14, 14:33

henkenwies's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


which location do you mean? Which URL or program? Which steps did you do to get your location?

(20 Feb '14, 14:35) aseerel4c26 ♦

Take a bus.

(20 Feb '14, 14:36) Zverik

I guess you speak about your "Home Location" in your OSM user profile.

  • go to "My settings" screen (click upper right button with your user name, then "My settings")
  • scroll down and find the small map with a marker on your location
  • select the box "Update home location when I click on the map?"
  • click on the small map the new location
  • save
permanent link

answered 20 Feb '14, 15:39

Pieren's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%


If this would be the meaning of the question it would be a duplicate of e.g. how-do-i-set-my-home-location.

(21 Feb '14, 11:00) aseerel4c26 ♦

the location in the map is show wrong, im in other address

permanent link

answered 04 Nov '19, 19:46

Shelton%20Hotel's gravatar image

Shelton Hotel
accept rate: 0%


Shelton asked this already in a seperate qustion. And this is not an answer to the original question.

(04 Nov '19, 20:06) TZorn

andy is shelton hotel from uruguay

(06 Nov '19, 22:15) Shelton Hotel

(I've added a comment on the other question to hopefully try and pin down the problem)

(06 Nov '19, 22:34) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 20 Feb '14, 14:33

question was seen: 3,790 times

last updated: 06 Nov '19, 22:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum